
presentation of the copy of Magdalena’s painting to the Welsh Assembly and Mayor Ted Ellis Office Indiana USA

by magda on Feb.17, 2011, under Announcements, gesar -international painting symbol...

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Magdalenas painting presented by Mayor Tedd Ellis Indiana USA

Mayor Ted Ellis

Ted Ellis is a native of Bluffton, Indiana, and was elected Mayor in 1995 after serving nine years on the Wells County Council. He is a graduate of Indiana University with a degree in economics.

Ellis is the First Vice President of the National League of Cities and the elected treasurer of United Cities and Local Governments, the international association representing local and regional governments and their national associations. He was the recipient of a John J. McCloy fellowship in Urban Affairs to study city issues in Germany. He is past president of Indiana Association of Cities and Towns. Ted is a founding member of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership. He was named a “Sagamore of the Wabash” by the Governor of Indiana. The Indiana Association of Cities and Towns awarded him the Russell Lloyd Award for “outstanding contributions to local government.”

He is past president of the Bluffton Free Street Fair Association. Ted is Moderator of the First Baptist Church in Bluffton and past board member of the American Baptist Churches of Indiana. He serves on the boards of the Ossian State Bank, Bluffton Regional Medical Center and the Wells County Foundation. He is a life member of the American Mensa Society.

Ted’s wife, Marge, is a native of Holland, Michigan. They have four children and five grandchildren.


On Wednesday January 12th 2011, Lord Daffydd-Ellis Thomas and Jeff Cuthbert, as representatives of the Welsh Assembly and the People of Wales, received the painting Wish Fulfilling Tree from the Gesar Foundation.
Below left to right are Brian Pope and Graham Thomas, both representing the Caerphilly Male Voice Choir, Pawo centre and Lord Daffydd-Ellis Thomas and Jeff Cuthbert.
Below is the painting Wish Fulfilling Tree. Presented to the Welsh Assembly for public dispay
Wish Fulfilling Tree has been presented to the people of Wales in gratitude for their kindness and generosity towards children and the Gesar Foundation. The original of the painting was kindly donated to Gesar by the celebrated artist, Magdalena Rutkowska, inspired by the 2010 recording of the children’s world Anthem by the Caerphilly Male Voice Choir.
The Gesar Foundation, on behalf of the world’s children, wish to thank the Caerphilly Male Voice Choir, Graham Thomas, Hazel Matthews, Catrin Finch, Molly Quarterly, Roy Noble, the BBC and the Welsh Assembly.
It has been brought to our attention, that the Welsh are the only Nation in the world, to employ a children’s charter. A more in depth report will be made about this very soon…

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