
Chrissie Hammond-Snafu

by magda on Mar.26, 2009, under other stories


Chrissie Hammond MA presenting SNAFU to the NHS- a rather mischievous character who frequents her studio invariably causing absolute havoc on a daily basis-Although she confesses to be happy tolerating his distractions, as he is good company in an otherwise insular environment and together over the years they have formulated a close appreciation for each other and more importantly

A Vision……..

Chrissie’s vision with SNAFU is that one day in the near future he will become an iconic character for the NHS- promoting their messages in a light hearted and memorable way.

Chrissie said…”The NHS has offered me and those closest to me an inordinate amount of care & support over the past years. Consequently I would like to put something back in the only way I know how——-through creativity. Currently I am working on various options/projects with the NHS to make this a reality- however I am always looking for new ideas and through experience I have found that often the best ideas stem from the people who work in the organisation itself- so if anyone would like to be a part of the initial ‘Think Tank’ all thoughts will be gratefully received. “

Please send all ideas large or small to or e-mail:

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