RULES for the Essay competition on “Women in Science”
Posted by magdalena · 10 Comments
RULES for the Essay competition on “Women in Science”
1-1 The competition under the name “Women in Science ” (hereinafter “Competition”) is organized in the United Kingdom, France and Poland.
1-2 The competition is divided into two age groups:
a- 10 to 14 years of age (hereinafter “Group a”) ;
b- 15 years and older (hereinafter “Group b”).
1-3 The object of the competition is to interest young people into writing a moving essay on the following topic : Women in Science. The aim of the competition is to popularize the knowledge of the woman scientist.
1-4 Among the submitted works, the essays that will be selected will be the ones that emphasize interesting issues related to the topic of the essay.
2-1 The competition is part of the festival Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie in 2011, organized in London in collaboration with the University of Westminster.
2-2 The organizers and sponsors of the competition are Steven Barfield and Magdalena Rutkowska.
2-3 The media patrons are ITSLIQUID, Goniec Polski , Londynek, Apsik, Journal of Polish and foreign and local press.
3-1 The Competition is open to age group from 10 to14 (Group a),
and students and anyone from the age of 15 interested in literary activities in general (Group b). Organizations, schools and cultural societies should organise their own selections of participants. The Essays handed in by the organizations, groups or schools should contain the name of the author and the school, group or organization through which the author has been selected.
3-2 The Competition is open primarily to the countries: Poland, UK and France. In addition, the organizers will accept submissions from other countries as long as the work is presented in Polish, English or French.
3-3 The number of participants in the Competition is unlimited.
3-4 The Competition is not open to the organizers, the Competition Commission and relatives of members of the Competition Commission.
3-5 Relatives are the people with whom Organizer’s or Commission members are married or in a relation with, consanguinity or direct familial affinity.
4-1 Participation in the Contest is open only to those whose essays (hereinafter referred to as “Essays/or Essay”), have not previously been published.
4-2 Submissions cannot have been entered in whole or part in previous competitions related to Women in Science.
4-3 Participants can submit their Essay as a single author or through an Institution, Organisation or School officially representing them.
4-4 Entry should take the form of a short essay of the following size:
a- not exceeding 2 standard typewritten pages in the case of Group a ;
b- not exceeding 3 standard typewritten pages in the case of Group b.
4-4 Entry should be prepared in the form of a text file using the font Times New Roman, size 12 with line spacing of 1.5 on the sheets that are formatted with margins 2.5 cm wide.
4-5 Entry should correspond to the principles of proper publication. Works with any spelling or grammar mistakes will not be accepted.
4-6 Notification to the Competition should include:
a- A copy of an entry (Word or pdf.doc)
b- Brief information about the author (with data contact / e-mail address.)
4-7 Applications should be submitted on the forum page of the festival, in the section contest / competition on the following website: . (Note that submitted work will not be presented on the website for public consumption prior to the closing date for submissions.)
4-8 The submitted entries along with other required documents and attachments will not be returned to participants of the Competition.
5-1 The contest will award prizes in two categories:
a- Award given by the Competition Commission,
b- Award given by Internet users.
5-2 The Jury Prize will be awarded by the Commission board, composed of:
a- Senior Lecturer, English literature, Steven Barfield (English section) ;
b- the Editor, Polish Heritage Society, Stella Teresa Sawicka (Poland section) ;
c- Senior Lecturer, French literature, Rose Dinjou (French unit).
5-3 The jury will be guided by the following evaluation criteria :
a- the accuracy of judgements and reasoning ;
b- the correct logical and interesting story;
c- the precision of expression ;
e- linguistic correctness.
5-4 Essay’s selected by the jury panel on 16 of September will be published on the website pages for the second part of the competition – public voting
6-1 The Competition runs in two (2) stages. The first stage concern the awards granted by the Competition Commission and runs from 6 July 2011 to 16 September 2011.
After the first stage, 6 works within each language section will be selected. These selected works will be published on the Festival website.
The second stage of the competition concerns the votes given by Internet users to these selected works; this stage runs from 16 September 2011 to 16 December 2011.
6-2 The date of receipt of the notification is the date shown on email correspondence.
6-3 The organizer is not responsible for any delay or omission arising from e-mail or other Internet operators.
6-4 The results of Stage I of the Competition will be published on September 16, 2011, on the website
6-5 The results of Stage II of the Competition will be published on December 20, 2011, on the website
7-1 As part of the Jury Prize will be awarded:
a- First Prize: Certificate awarded and signed
by the festival organisers and members of the jury, publication of the Essay on the festival website and by press /media partners, presentation at the exhibition of the Festival of Maria Sklodowska – Curie in December 2011;
b- Second Prize: Diploma awarded by the board committees and the organizers and the institutions they represented;
c- Bonus prize for the First and Second prize winners will be established during the competition progress.
8-1 Sending work to the Competition implies acceptance of all conditions contained herein.
8-2 The rights and obligations of the organizer and participants of the competition are defined solely in these present Rules.
8-3 All information available on the Competition in the advertising materials is only of informative character.
8-4 The organizer reserves the right to change the Rules at the time of its publication and during the contest for any reason.
8-5 The organizer is not responsible for difficulties encountered in sending awards for reasons beyond their control (attributable to the winners of the contest).
8-6 Prizes are not redeemable for cash equivalent.
9-1 The contest participant declares that the Competition entry is free of legislation defects, in particular, without prejudice to property and moral rights and third parties.
9-2 The participant agrees to give permission to the competition organisers of unrestricted copyrights in usage of the submitted work/essay
9-5 Organizer has the right to use the Essays or extracts of it for promotional purposes, publishing and other activities related to the competition and Marie Sklodowska Festival 2011
10-1 The Competition Participant agrees to publish his/her name and place of residence.
10-2 Participants agree to process their personal data by the Organizer to the extent necessary for the proper conduct Competition
10-4 The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Contest at any time.
So does the essay have to be about Curie?
Thank you for asking.The subject of the essay is “woman in science”
It does not have to be about any real character.It could easly be fictional.
Thanks for replying. So just to clarify, it does not have to be an essay about a ‘Woman in Science’, it can be a story?
Sorry for the trouble.
Thank you
You are very welcome to compose a short story. Most modern essay’s are written in prose.
Looking forward to read your work!
Me again!
When do the entries have to be in by?
Thank you for your question,
The dead line for the entries is 15.09.2011
Our judges are in the progress of reading submitted essays and that’s mean the sooner your essay will get to us the sooner it will show on the website pages.
Thank you once again. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Good luck!
Just wondering when the entries will be posted to read – really want to read everyone’s work 😀
Hi Emma,
Thanks for asking.Please check the site on Monday 19.09 .2011
all the best
That sounds great, will definitely read them,
Have a good week 🙂
Sorry is it possible for you to tell me the number of entries that came through?