Catch Exhibition in Covent Garden, June 2009
by admin on Feb.17, 2009, under Announcements, eclusier exhibitions, eclusier press TV
Announcing a new exhibition in the Catch by the Eye, Save in the Heart series, scheduled for 2 - 8 June 2009 at Covent Garden.
Details are still being prepared but I am very excited to be given the opportunity to take the concept to the heart of the West End, at an exclusive location in the midst of Covent Garden’s eclectic and hedonistic atmosphere.

Catch by the Eye, Save in the Heart
I know this isn’t much to go on, but details are imminent. In the meantime the exhibition’s main web-page will be at
Please email Magdalena at for more information, or use this contact form.
February 18th, 2009 on 11:59 am
Hi, Magda! It’s the excellent forum and I wish it to be very successful too))))
February 18th, 2009 on 12:09 pm
Szkoda ze nie po polsku
February 20th, 2009 on 12:09 pm
Congratulations for creating this forum
Another good idea come to fruition
February 21st, 2009 on 11:13 am
thanks Michael,we still working on it but hopefully is going to be nice and useful for others.
any one is welcome to use it.
btw you are on the “catch..” list for June .hope your Leeds exhibition is going well
February 22nd, 2009 on 4:25 pm
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to exhibit at “Catch”in London – I love the idea of having canvas and paint for visitors to create a unique work.
Yes the preperations for my Leeds exhibit a week from today are going very well.
I appreciate all the hard work you put into organising exhibitions and hope you find the time to pursue your painting also.
February 22nd, 2009 on 6:00 pm
Hi Janina,
did you realised that if you click on your name here it is taking you to your website?
February 22nd, 2009 on 6:26 pm
Hi, Magda!)))
No…i didn’t…will try it now)))Thank you for this info)))
It works marvelously! Absolutely great idea! And absolutely perfect opportunity for contact and news and for the artists. )))Wish the great future for this forum)))Thank you both for this work)))
February 24th, 2009 on 9:40 pm
….meet me at the Covent Garden stage of love and frames of art…meet me at the Covent Garden if you have hungry heart..
February 25th, 2009 on 6:48 pm
Hi, Michael! Just want to tell you that i like your paintings very much. ))) So refined and full of light, like the precious gems. Looks like the old manuscripts. Wish you great luck, keep it up!)))
February 25th, 2009 on 8:16 pm
Hi Janina – Thank you so much for your compliments about my work.
I have looked at your web site and am very impressed
with your creations – They are all very accomplished and full of fascination-
Mockery – Aporypha have a real haunting medieval feel about them
- Great work – I love it.
February 26th, 2009 on 1:04 pm
hi there i have visited your “gothic” exhibition at Belgravia,when I was on weekend visit in London.It was very refreshing experience!great idea and amazing work should be in London during May and June and I am looking forward to visit you at Covent Garden!
February 26th, 2009 on 1:09 pm
Hi I am an artist and i would like to find more about the “Catch..”exhibition.Are there any artists who exhibited there before?
February 26th, 2009 on 1:12 pm
Hello,I haven’t exhibited with Catch but I was involved in public painting there..lots of fun!!
February 28th, 2009 on 11:46 am
Thank you very much, Michael.)))It’s very pleasant to hear such high opinion. You are right about the medieval style, this history period was always an object of my thorough investigation and as I noticed you like it too. I see this in your paintings and they remind me the romatic style of Victorian art too.
February 28th, 2009 on 11:52 am
Hi Fabrizio! Yes, here are some artists who exhibited in the “Catch…”. But you can find more information about it on
March 1st, 2009 on 11:34 pm
Hi again Janina – Yes I love all things Medieval
Like the Book of Hours manuscripts – Dante’s Poetry – Botticelli’s secular paintings And also I have a fascination with The Pre Raphaelites such as Gabriel Rossetti, Holman Hunt etc and later Waterhouse.
March 2nd, 2009 on 8:16 am
Hi Helen,
you have mentioned before that you have one of the “crime” games (when a group of people resolving a crime case)We just had an evening playing the “death by chocolate”.I wander if you have a diferent one and you will be interested in swaping them?It is really great fun but unfortunately you can’t play the same game more then once
March 4th, 2009 on 10:19 am
Hi Michael,
just want to ask how is the exhibition going?
I hope you have lots of sales..I would like to have you exhibiting in Milan with me and others..lets hope it would be possible
Best of luck for now
March 4th, 2009 on 5:27 pm
Hi Magdalena
Wow! Yes Thank You – Milan sounds fantastic.
My exhibition is up and running – fingers crossed for sales.
I have posted photographs on my web site on my Exhibitions News page if you would like to see.
Thank you again for your good wishes and Milan – It would be great if it is possible.
My Best wishes to you
March 4th, 2009 on 8:06 pm
yes it is exiting location in Milan
I don’t know if you see it already?