Festival programme
Festival Programme so far
1. The exhibition will involve biographical pictures and stories collected and prepared especially for this year by the Marie Sklodowska Curie Museum. Along with the biographical 45-minute movie the museum director has kindly agreed to lend us all prepared material. The same exhibition was held in Geneva during the month of March, and was extremely well received. Our honorary guest Zbigniew Andrew Szydlo, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry has kindly agreed to be involved as guest lecturer.
A collection of pictures illustrating Marie’s biography composed specifically for the festival by Magdalena Rutkowska and Tom Milasz also will be exhibited.
In addition, we are discussing a possible collaboration with the Marie Curie section of the Public Cultural Benefit Society, and the exhibition of a unique collection of stamps with Marie Curie’s image from a private collector.
The CBR Museum in Warsaw has also offered to provide unique material for our exclusive exhibition
2. We are planning to run a stage play previously viewed in 21 countries – some 1,800 times in France! – but still never before performed on the stages of theatres in the UK. “Les Palmes de Monsieur Schutz,” by Jean-Noël Fenwick, depicts the life of Marie Curie and has won 4 Molières prizes and was even adapted into a French language movie (with Isabelle Huppert) in 1997. The play is planned to be staged in Soho Theatre by Second Skin theatre under direction of Andy McQuade There also will be a performance by the opera singer and honorary guest Ewa Michalik, who will perform a short repertoire of music from Marie’s childhood years in Warsaw
The final event of the programme will be a fund raising Charity Masked Ball, to benefit charitable organisations associated with Marie Curie.
We are delighted to have received a kind offer from established singer-songwriters Jahson Nembhart (Drifters) and Jaden Cornelious to show their support in raising funds by a mini live performance for our guests.
There are two competitions planned to run during the festival:
1. An essay writing competition focussing on the role of women scientists in today’s society.
2. A judging competition for the mask at the Masked Ball that best portrays the “hidden truth”.
The jury panel for both competitions has already been approached and established, and we have an enthusiastic team covering administrative duties and translations, including many interns.
We have been overwhelmed with the enthusiasm with which our project proposals have been received by the public, and by the large and small institutions we have approached. The festival programme is still taking shape and expanding as we receive new opportunities and offers from potential partners and performers.
Please check the website regularly for the latest festival news.